Political Gadgets

How Politicans Vote

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How closely do two politicians voting patterns align.

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Voting records

What's your pol voting for and against?

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The voting train (Reps)

See who votes most closely to others.

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The voting train (Senate)

See who votes most closely to others.

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The Votes-Like-Dutton-O-Meter

How much Dutton is your representative?

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Make your own Votes-Like-Dutton-O-Meter widget

Want to put a Votes-Like-Dutton-O-Meter on your website or blog. Here's how...

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Gagging Debate tracker

How often gagging orders are used to stiffle debate in the Federal House of Reps.

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Reps Crossbench voting alignment

How does crossbench voting align with the major parties?

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Senate Crossbench voting alignment

How does crossbench voting align with the major parties in the Senate?

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A house divided

How did recent votes go. All the details.